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Aracade Intro #15 AddBorder, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, c++ java c# scalar Aracade Intro #15 AddBorder, Codefights, CodeSignal Q. Given a rectangular matrix of characters, add a border of asterisks(*) to it. 주어진 글자 매트릭스에다가, 외곽에 * 테두리를 추가하라 e.g. Input -> picture = ["abc", "ded"] Output -> addBorder(picture) = ["*****", "*abc*", "*ded*", "*****"] Input -> ["aa", "**", "zz"] Output ->["****", "*aa*", "****", "*zz*", "****"] 테투리에 * 을 만듦. for 문 2개로 조건문을 만들어서 할까 했는데,1개씩 써서 순..
Aracade Intro #14 AlternatingSums, Codefights, CodeSignal Aracade Intro #14 AlternatingSums, Codefights, CodeSignal 코드파이트, 코드시그널 Q. You are given an array of positive integers - the weights of the people. Return an array of two integers, where the first element is the total weight of team 1, and the second element is the total weight of team 2 after the division is complete. 양의 정수 배열을 입력받고(사람들 몸무게), 두개의 정수를 반환하는데..홀수번째 배열의 합(첫번째팀), 짝수번째 사람들 무게의 합(두번째팀)..
Aracade Intro #13 ReverseParentheses, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 알고리즘, algorithm Aracade Intro #13 ReverseParentheses, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 알고리즘, algorithm 이거 진짜 재귀로 풀기 젼나 빡쎘슴.. It was hella hard to solve using recursive.. Q. You have a string s that consists of English letters, punctuation marks, whitespace characters, and brackets. It is guaranteed that the parentheses in s form a regular bracket sequence. Your task is to reverse the strings contained in each pai..
Aracade Intro #12 SortByHeight CodeFights, CodeSignal arcade #12 SortByHeight Rearrange the people by their heights in a non-descending order without moving the trees. ( -1 would be tree ) 입력받은 사람들의 키와 나무(-1) 값 배열에서, 나무값의 위치는 건드리지 않고 사람들의 키를 오름차순 정렬하라 e.g. a = [-1, 150, 190, 170, -1, -1, 160, 180] sortByHeight(a) = [-1, 150, 160, 170, -1, -1, 180, 190] 함수를 통과하고 정렬된 값 //Process//1. Input height vector//2. Iterate from 1 to the..
Aracade Intro #11 IsLucky CodeFights, CodeSignal Arcade #11 IsLucky If the sum of half of digits is equal to the sum of second half, it's true, or false. 자릿수가 짝수개인 정수를 입력받고,앞자리 절반의 자릿수 합과 뒷자리 절반 자릿수의 합이 같으면 true, 아니면 false e.g. 123321 -> true 1 + 2 + 3 = 3 + 2 + 1 1230 -> true 1 + 2 = 3 + 0 124582 -> false 1 + 2 + 4 != 5 + 8 + 2 124214 -> true 123456 -> false //Process//1. Input int//2. Get length of input int (alway eve..
Aracade Intro #10 CommonCharacterCount CodeFights arcade intro #10 Given two strings, get the total number of common characters between them. 주어진 2개의 String에서, 똑같은 Character의 총 개수를 구하라. //Process//1. Input two strings//2. Iterate first string from begin to the end// 2.1. If the number is not existed in the charArray1, then add and count// 2.2. If existed, just count//3. Iterate second string from begin to the end// 3.1. If the number..
Aracade Intro #9 AllLongestStrings AllLongestStringsGiven an array of strings, returns another array containing all of it's longest strings입력받은 문자 배열에서, 가장 긴 문자들만 따로 뽑은 배열을 리턴해라 //Process//1. Input strings array//2. Iterate from begin to the end// 2.1. Check string's length// 2.2. If it's longer than longest string, -> make new output longest string array// 2.3. If it's same length, -> add//3. Return outputArray //처리과정//1. 문자배열을 ..
Aracade Intro #8 MatrixElementsSum Each cell in the matrix contains an integer that represents the price of them. Some rooms are free(0), because they are haunted. They are not suitable to live in.Calculate the total price of all the rooms that are suitable to live in. 입력받은 2차원 배열(월세 가격)에서 0 인 위치는 귀신이 있는 집이다.가격이 0인 위치와 0의 바로 아랫줄(같은 열) 은 어디든 살기 싫다. 살 수 있는 적합한 방의 배열위치에 있는 모든 가격(정수)의 합을 구하라. e.g. matrix = [[ 1, 3, 4, 0 ], [ 3, 0, 6,..