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Aracade Intro #30 circleOfNumbers. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, 예제, example, c++ java c# scalar Aracade Intro #30 circleOfNumbers. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, 예제, example, c++ java c# scalar Q. Consider integer numbers from 0 to n - 1 written down along the circle in such a way that the distance between any two neighboring numbers is equal (note that 0 and n - 1 are neighboring, too). Given n and firstNumber, find the number which is written in the radially oppos..
Aracade Intro #29 chessBoardCellColor. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, 예제, example, c++ java c# scalar Aracade Intro #29 chessBoardCellColor. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, 예제, example, c++ java c# scalar Q. Given two cells on the standard chess board, determine whether they have the same color or not. 체스판에서 주어진 두개의 셀이, 같은 색깔인지 아닌지 확인하라. e.g. For cell1 = "A1" and cell2 = "C3", the output should bechessBoardCellColor(cell1, cell2) = true. For cell1 = "A1" and cell2 = "H3", ..
Aracade Intro #28 alphabeticShift. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, 예제, example, c++ java c# scalar Aracade Intro #28 alphabeticShift. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, 예제, example, c++ java c# scalar Q. Given a string, replace each its character by the next one in the English alphabet (z would be replaced by a). (Lowercase alphabet only) 주어진 문자열에서, 각 알파벳을 그 다음 알파벳으로 바꾸어라 ( a->b, c->d ) z 의 경우에는 다시 a 로 돌아간다. (전부 소문자 알파벳) e.g. Input -> inputString = "crazy" Output -> alphab..
Aracade Intro #27 variableName. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, 예제, example, c++ java c# scalar Aracade Intro #27 variableName. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, 예제, example, c++ java c# scalar Q. Correct variable names consist only of English letters, digits and underscores and they can't start with a digit. Check if the given string is a correct variable name. 변수명으로 옳은 것은 알파벳, 숫자, 언더바로만 이루어져 있고, 시작은 숫자로 할 수 없다.옳은 변수명인지 확인하라. e.g. For name = "var_1__Int", the output s..
Aracade Intro #26 evenDigitsOnly. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, 예제, example, c++ java c# scalar Aracade Intro #26 evenDigitsOnly. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, 예제, example, c++ java c# scalar Q. Check if all digits of the given integer are even. 모든 자릿수 숫자가 짝수인지 확인하라 e.g. Input -> n = 248622 Output -> evenDigitsOnly(n) = true Input -> n = 642386 Output -> evenDigitsOnly(n) = false //처리과정//1. 정수를 입력받는다.//2. 정수의 자릿수 시작부터 끝까지 반복한다.// 2.1. 숫자가 짝수인지 확인한다.//3. 결과를 리턴한다. /..
Aracade Intro #25 arrayReplace. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, 예제, example, c++ java c# scalar Aracade Intro #25 arrayReplace. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, 예제, example, c++ java c# scalar Q. Given an array of integers, replace all the occurrences of elemToReplace with substitutionElem. 주어진 정수배열에서, elemToReplace 에 해당하는 정수를, substitutionElem 정수로 전부 바꿔라. Example Input -> inputArray = [1, 2, 1], elemToReplace = 1, and substitutionElem = 3 Output -> arrayReplace(input..
LeetCode problem #2 Add Two Numbers. Algorithm, 알고리즘, 코딩 문제풀이, LeetCode, 릿코드, 기술면접, CodeFights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, c++ java c# LeetCode problem #2 Add Two Numbers. Algorithm, 알고리즘, 코딩 문제풀이, LeetCode, 릿코드, 기술면접, CodeFights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, c++ java c# Q.You are given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list. You may assume the two numbers do not cont..
Aracade Intro #24 minesweeper. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, regx, 정규표현식, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, c++ java c# scalar Aracade Intro #24 minesweeper. Algorithm, 알고리즘, Codefights, CodeSignal, 코드파이트, 코드시그널, c++ java c# scalar Q. In the popular Minesweeper game you have a board with some mines and those cells that don't contain a mine have a number in it that indicates the total number of mines in the neighboring cells. Starting off with some arrangement of mines we want to create a Minesweeper game setup. 지뢰찾기 게임에..