# Process
# 1. Input priorities, location
# 2. Make location_tracker plate for the location index I need to know
# 3. Iterate while remaining priorities
# 3.1. Pop first index of priority from the queue
# 3.2. Check if bigger priority is exist or not
# 3.2.1. If so -> change the priorites queue and location tracking queue
# 3.3. Check if it's poped permanently
# 3.3.1. Count answer
# 3.3.2. If the index I need to know is poped permanently, then finish the process
# 4. Return answer
def solution(priorities, location):
answer = 0
isDone = False
# 2.
location_index_plate = []
for i in range(0, len(priorities)):
if i is location:
location_index_plate[i] = True
# 3.
i = 0
while i < len(priorities) and not isDone:
best_priority = True
priority = priorities.pop(i)
tracing_index = location_index_plate.pop(i)
# 3.2.
j = 0
while j < len(priorities) and best_priority:
if priorities[j] > priority:
best_priority = False
j += 1
# 3.3.
if best_priority:
answer += 1
if tracing_index:
isDone = True
return answer
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