# Process SJF(Short Job First)
# 1. Input tasks [[input_time, task_time], ..]
# 2. Sort using input_time
# 3. Iterate till tasks is remained
# 3.1. Search shortest task which input time is under time spent
# 3.2. Do task and ++time
# 4. Return total time / initial length of tasks
import heapq
import math
def solution(tasks):
whole_task_time = 0
time_spent = 0
len_tasks = len(tasks)
# 2.
tasks_sorted = sorted(tasks, key=lambda k: (k[0]), reverse=False)
if len_tasks > 0:
# 3.
while len(tasks_sorted) > 0:
# 3.1.
current_input_time = tasks_sorted[0][0]
shortest_task_time = tasks_sorted[0][1]
index = 0
i = 1
if time_spent <current_input_time:
time_spent = current_input_time
while i < len(tasks_sorted) and tasks_sorted[i][0] <= time_spent:
if tasks_sorted[i][1] <= shortest_task_time:
index = i
shortest_task_time = tasks_sorted[i][1]
i += 1
working_task = tasks_sorted.pop(index)
# 3.2.
time_spent += working_task[1]
whole_task_time += (time_spent - (working_task[0]))
return math.floor(whole_task_time / len_tasks)
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