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탐욕법 05 - 섬 연결하기, 프로그래머스, 알고리즘, Programmers, Stack, Queue, Hash, 코딩테스트, Algorithm, 풀이과정, Leetcode, 릿코드, 코딩테스트, Tech interview, search, greedy


최소신장트리 (Minimum Spanning Tree, MST) 문제였는데,


처음보는거라서 Kruskal, Prim 방식 2가지가 있다고 해서 2가지로 풀어두었다.


import java.util.*;

// Kruskal mst

// Process

// 1. Input n, costs

// 2. Sort using cost (ascending way)

// 3. Iterate costs

//  3.1. Check edge is valid or not

//   3.1.1. If valid -> add cost to totalCost

//   3.1.2. If not -> next

// 4. Return totalCost

class Solution {

    public int solution(int n, int[][] costs) {

        int totalCost = 0;

        List<Integer> connected = new LinkedList<>();

        int[] disjointSet = new int[n];


        for (int i = 0; i < disjointSet.length; ++i) {

            disjointSet[i] = i;



        // 2. Sort

        for (int i = 0; i < costs.length-1; ++i) {

            for (int j = i+1; j < costs.length; ++j) {

                if (costs[i][2] > costs[j][2]) {

                    int[] temp = new int[3];

                    temp[0] = costs[i][0];

                    temp[1] = costs[i][1];

                    temp[2] = costs[i][2];

                    costs[i] = costs[j];

                    costs[j] = temp;





        // 3.

        int start;

        int end;

        int cost;

        for (int i = 0; i < costs.length; ++i) {

            start = costs[i][0];

            end = costs[i][1];

            if (disjointSet[start] != disjointSet[end]) {

                if (disjointSet[start] > disjointSet[end])

                    disjointSet[start] = disjointSet[end];


                    disjointSet[end] = disjointSet[start];

                totalCost += costs[i][2];



            if (connected.size() == n)

                return totalCost;


        return totalCost;



// Process

// 1. Input n, costs

// 2. Make costs list for easy access

// 3. Iterate while making mst is not done

//  3.1. In vertexes in mst list, find smallest weight edge

//  3.2. Check if it's making cycle (if it's valid) **

//   3.2.1. If valid -> add to mst list, and add weight

//   3.2.2. If not -> remove that weight edge

// 4. Return weight

// // Prim mst 01

// class Solution {

//     public int solution(int n, int[][] costs) {

//         int totalCost = 0;


//         int[][] islands = new int[n][n];

//         List<Integer> connected = new LinkedList<>();


//         // Make islands plate

//         for (int i = 0; i < costs.length; ++i) {

//             islands[costs[i][0]][costs[i][1]] = costs[i][2];

//             islands[costs[i][1]][costs[i][0]] = costs[i][2];

//         }


//         connected.add(costs[0][0]);


//         while (connected.size() != n) {

//             int minCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

//             int minIndex = -1;

//             for (int i = 0; i < connected.size(); ++i) {

//                 int connectedIndex = connected.get(i);

//                 for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {

//                     if (islands[connectedIndex][j] != 0 && islands[connectedIndex][j] < minCost && !connected.contains(j)) {

//                         minCost = islands[connectedIndex][j];

//                         minIndex = j;

//                     }

//                 }

//             }

//             connected.add(minIndex);

//             totalCost += minCost;

//         }


//         return totalCost;

//     }

// }

// // Prim mst 02

// class Solution {

//     public int solution(int n, int[][] costs) {

//         int totalCost = 0;

//         List<Integer> connected = new LinkedList<>();

//         int[][] costPlate = new int[n][n];


//         for (int i = 0; i < costs.length; ++i) {

//             costPlate[costs[i][0]][costs[i][1]] = costs[i][2];

//             costPlate[costs[i][1]][costs[i][0]] = costs[i][2];

//         }


//         connected.add(costs[0][0]);


//         while (connected.size() != n) {

//             int minCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

//             int dstIsland = -1;

//             for (int i = 0; i < connected.size(); ++i) {

//                 int connectedIndex = connected.get(i);

//                 for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {

//                     if (costPlate[connectedIndex][j] < minCost && !connected.contains(j) && costPlate[connectedIndex][j] != 0) {

//                         minCost = costPlate[connectedIndex][j];

//                         dstIsland = j;

//                     }

//                 }

//             }

//             connected.add(dstIsland);

//             totalCost += minCost;

//         }


//         return totalCost;

//     }

// }


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