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OpenCV How to get min/max value from matrix, 매트릭스 최소값/최대값. Java,c++,cpp,imageprocessing

- Core 함수에서 minMaxLoc(Matrix) 를 호출하면 MinMaxLocResult 객체를 반환한다.

반환받은 객체에서 다양한 값들을 뽑아낼 수 있는데, 최소/최대 값을 뽑는 것은..


If you call "minMaxLoc(Matrix)" method in Core class,

you could get MinMaxLocResult instance.

And we could get various val from it, anyway, the way to get min/max val...



코드.. 코드를 보자!!!!

Code.. lemme see code!!!!!!




public double getMax(final Mat inputMat) {

    return Core.minMaxLoc(inputMat).maxVal;


public double getMin(final Mat inputMat) {

    return Core.minMaxLoc(inputMat).minVal;



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