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완전탐색 01 - 모의고사, 프로그래머스, 알고리즘, Programmers, Stack, Queue, Hash, 코딩테스트, Algorithm, 풀이과정, Leetcode, 릿코드, 코딩테스트, Tech interview, Heap, 힙, 정렬, sort, search


# Process

# 1. Input answers

# 2. Make math throwers answers

# 3. Compare answers and math throwers' answers

# 4. Get people who got highest score

# 5. Return result


def solution(answers):

    result = []


    # 2.

    math_thrower_1 = []

    math_thrower_2 = []

    math_thrower_3 = []


    exam_problems = len(answers)

    for i in range(1, exam_problems+1):

        remainder_of_5 = i % 5

        remainder_of_8 = i % 8

        remainder_of_10 = i % 10


        if remainder_of_5 == 0: math_thrower_1.append(5)

        else: math_thrower_1.append(remainder_of_5)


        if remainder_of_8 == 1 or remainder_of_8 == 3 or remainder_of_8 == 5 or remainder_of_8 == 7 : math_thrower_2.append(2)

        elif remainder_of_8 == 2 : math_thrower_2.append(1)

        elif remainder_of_8 == 4 : math_thrower_2.append(3)

        elif remainder_of_8 == 6 : math_thrower_2.append(4)

        elif remainder_of_8 == 0 : math_thrower_2.append(5)


        if remainder_of_10 < 1 : math_thrower_3.append(5)

        elif remainder_of_10 < 3 : math_thrower_3.append(3)

        elif remainder_of_10 < 5 : math_thrower_3.append(1)

        elif remainder_of_10 < 7 : math_thrower_3.append(2)

        elif remainder_of_10 < 9 : math_thrower_3.append(4)

        elif remainder_of_10 < 11 : math_thrower_3.append(5)


    # 3.

    correct_counts = [0,0,0]


    for i in range(len(answers)):

        if answers[i] == math_thrower_1[i] : correct_counts[0] += 1

        if answers[i] == math_thrower_2[i] : correct_counts[1] += 1

        if answers[i] == math_thrower_3[i] : correct_counts[2] += 1


    # 4.

    highest_score = max(correct_counts)

    for i in range(len(correct_counts)):

        if highest_score == correct_counts[i]:



    # 5.

    return result




2021.03.11 - [Algorithm/Programmers] - 탐욕법 02 - 조이스틱, 프로그래머스, 알고리즘, Programmers, Stack, Queue, Hash, 코딩테스트, Algorithm, 풀이과정, Leetcode, 릿코드, 코딩테스트, Tech interview, Heap, 힙, 정렬, sort, greedy


탐욕법 02 - 조이스틱, 프로그래머스, 알고리즘, Programmers, Stack, Queue, Hash, 코딩테스트, Algorithm, 풀

// ASCII 65~ 90 (A~ Z) // Process #2  (greedy) // 1. Input name // 2. Make list or Map using Index and DiffCount of diff things // 3. Iterate while all list is remove..



2020.10.07 - [Computer/General] - 핸드폰 용량 정리, 최적화, 아이폰/안드로이드/갤럭시/픽셀/엘지/폴더


핸드폰 용량 정리, 최적화, 아이폰/안드로이드/갤럭시/픽셀/엘지/폴더

구글 픽셀3 폰 쓴지 이제 2년? 3년? 정도 됨 64gb 핸드폰인데, 얼마전부터 계속 90% 95% 거의 남은 용량이 없는 것. 사진 때문인가 다 구글클라우드 백업하고 지워도 비슷함. 이런저런 파일들을 지우



2019.08.27 - [Programming] - 개발자 선배들에게서 배운 것들. Things I Learnt from a Senior Software Engineer. 코딩 잘하는 방법, how to code well, 소프트웨어,프로그래머,programmer


개발자 선배들에게서 배운 것들. Things I Learnt from a Senior Software Engineer. 코딩 잘하는 방법, how to cod

